1 #!/usr/bin/env rdmd
3 /* Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0.
4  *    (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
5  *          http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt)
6  */
8 module catdoc;
10 import std.file;
11 import std.getopt;
12 import std.stdio;
13 import std.string;
15 int main(string[] args)
16 {
17     if (args.length < 2)
18     {
19         writeln("catdoc: Concatenate Ddoc files
20 Usage:
21     catdoc -o=outputfile sourcefiles...
22 ");
23         return 1;
24     }
26     string ofile;
27     getopt(args, "o", &ofile);
28     if (!ofile.ptr)
29     {
30         writeln("catdoc: set output file with -o=filename");
31         return 1;
32     }
33     if (args.length < 2)
34     {
35         writeln("catdoc: no input files");
36         return 1;
37     }
39     string comment = "Ddoc\n";
40     string macros;
41     foreach (arg; args[1..$])
42     {
43         //writeln(arg);
44         string input = cast(string)std.file.read(arg);
45         if (input.length < 4 || input[0..4] != "Ddoc")
46         {   writefln("catdoc: %s is not a Ddoc file", arg);
47             return 1;
48         }
49         foreach (i, c; input)
50         {
51             if (c == '\n')
52             {
53                 if (i + 8 < input.length && std..string.icmp(input[i + 1 .. i + 8], "Macros:") == 0)
54                 {
55                     comment ~= input[4 .. i + 1];
56                     if (!macros.ptr)
57                         macros = "Macros:\n";
58                     macros ~= input[i + 8 .. $];
59                     goto L1;
60                 }
61             }
62         }
63         comment ~= input[4 .. $];
64     L1: ;
65     }
67     std.file.write(ofile, comment ~ macros);
69     return 0;
70 }