- dateFromStr
auto dateFromStr(string sdate)
Undocumented in source. Be warned that the author may not have intended to support it.
- escapeParens
string escapeParens(string input)
Replace '(' and ')' with macros to avoid closing down macros by accident.
- generateRequest
auto generateRequest(string templ, Range issues)
Undocumented in source. Be warned that the author may not have intended to support it.
- getBugzillaChanges
auto getBugzillaChanges(string revRange)
Generate and return the change log as a string.
- getIssues
auto getIssues(string revRange)
Get a list of all bugzilla issues mentioned in revRange
- main
int main(string[] args)
Undocumented in source. Be warned that the author may not have intended to support it.
- readChangelog
ChangelogEntry readChangelog(string filename, string repoName)
Reads a single changelog file.
- readTextChanges
auto readTextChanges(string changelogDir, string repoName)
Looks for changelog files (ending with .dd) in a directory and parses them.
- writeBugzillaChanges
void writeBugzillaChanges(Entries entries, Writer w)
Writes the fixed issued from Bugzilla in the ddoc format as a single list.
- writeTextChangesBody
void writeTextChangesBody(Entries changes, Writer w, string headline)
Writes the long description of the manually listed changes in the ddoc format as list.
- writeTextChangesHeader
void writeTextChangesHeader(Entries changes, Writer w, string headline)
Writes the overview headline of the manually listed changes in the ddoc format as list.
Change log generator which fetches the list of bugfixes from the D Bugzilla between the given dates. Moreover manual changes are accumulated from raw text files in the Dlang repositories. It stores its result in DDoc form to a text file.